Welcome to the new and improved? ( still working on that) Wrenditions.com.
It’s been a bit of a bumpy road getting back online. It is a good thing my personal motto is “Never Given Up.”
To quote the American poet Ogden Nash,
( from the poem- You and Me and P.B.Shelley)
“What is life? Life is stepping down a step or sitting in a chair,
And it isn’t there….It is pulling doors marked Push and pushing doors marked Pull and not noticing notices which say Please Use Other Door”
Well through much pushing and pulling and falling on my backside and face here I am again. As you will notice it’s still “bare bones” at the moment. I’ll be continuing to work on it in the coming month(s). I’m an analog gal trying to function in a digital world. I thank you for your patience.
In the meantime if you want to see me & my work in person and perhaps purchase some of my work. On the 4th and 5th of August I will be in Elgin, IL at:

Booth #41 on the west side of the street. Look for the flying paper doll pigs, dragons, birds, even elephants…

Okay, so I have a lot of critters with wings. You don’t have to take my word for it …Hope to see you there!:)