All posts by Karen Ann Hollingsworth

Did you miss me?:)

In a word I have been “verklempt” (farklemt?). If you are unfamiliar with the word. It is borrowed from Yiddish (so says the English dictionary) and means to be overwhelmed by emotion perhaps so much that one can not speak. For those of you who know me or have met me even once you know I am not known for my brevity. So for me to be rendered speechless you know these are rare times indeed.

I’ve been struggling to find words to know where to start. As I was preparing to update my website things went pear shaped… if you were looking at a pear through a kaleidoscope. (Hmm? That’s not a bad concept for a painting.)

To keep things in some kind of order I think I’ll begin where my last post left off. Back before we all were dragged into what feels like a year long and continuing Twilight Zone /Outer Limits crossover event.

So lets go back to the “before times” when we didn’t have to keep our distance. Capricorn 40 was as always a delightful event ( Virtual Capricorn 41 starts this week, more on that later) I was happy to see all of you who were able to attend.

I am proud to announce that I won the Artist Challenge. Thanks to all that voted for my work.

I also won was the Artist Showdown. Sadly I don’t have any photos of that image to share with you. It was a lively event filled with much joy and laughter.

I do however have my renderings of the lovely diverse group of individuals that bravely, graciously volunteered to model for the first ever Portrait Circle at Capricon.

Confession: Since I was moderating and taking my own photos of the session I didn’t get a chance to draw on that day. So these were done in the weeks following the convention from the photos I took.

That was just the beginning of 2020. I did do more art last year and learned a few new things as well. I will share more with you in time. For now lets move forward.

Capricon 41 starts this Thursday. Because of the pandemic it is like most other conventions going virtual. Click on the image to get more information.

I will most likely be in the Art Show Discord chat. My badge name at conventions is Wren, in Discord I’m K-Wren. Not exactly certain how it will all work. This will be the first virtual convention I’ve attended so it will be a learning experience…much like this whole last year.

That’s all for now. Stay safe.

Here We Go Again!:)

Happy New Year!  It’s 2020 time to focus!

I hope all of you had a wonderful time over the holidays. Thank you to all that stopped by at the Starline Factory’s first ever Holiday Faire in December.  Remember they have their 4th Fridays Event most every month. I won’t be presenting anything there but of course the lovely Kathie Collinson will be along with many others . If you need your art fix before next month there’s that. 


for more info Click Here

I am presently gearing up for my next Sci-Fi convention and that is of course Capricon 40 in Wheeling ,IL. February 13-16, 2020.

click on image for more info

At Capricon40 as in past years if you can’t find me you aren’t looking very hard. I will not only be showing and selling my art work in the Art Show I will be leading my Intuitive Watercolor Workshop, a Portrait Circle and giving a Sketchbook Tour.

Below is my Capricon40 schedule: (as far as I know now)


5PM – you can find me probably still setting up or hanging out in the Art Show.


1PM – Portrait Circle ( Where:? Botanic B-T. For how long? 1hr30m)

Program description: Everyone draws the same person in this hands-on life drawing workshop. Compare and contrast! Basic drawing supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. 

Important Note: Anyone who is planning on attending this event and wishes to volunteer to model for us please contact me. No nudity required. (this is family friendly event) If you wish to pose in costume you are more than welcome.

I will have a limited amount of Pencils, Sharpeners, Sketch Paper, drawing board, stumps (aka smudgy sticks), erasers.. So I strongly encourage you to bring what supplies you can. Below is a suggested supply list PDF for this activity.

5:30PM- Intuitive Watercolor Workshop ( Where? Botanic B-T. For how long? 2hrs)

Program description: Karen Ann Hollingsworth leads a hands-on watercolor painting workshop. This workshop is open to all ages and skill levels, although children under 12 should be accompanied by a parent. Some art supplies will be provided, but quantities are limited so feel free to bring your own. Below is a PDF of the supply list for this activity as well as a list of books I recommend.


1PM- “Skribbles” Sketchbook Tour ( Where? Flexible programing space. In the hallway between theArt Show and Dealers Room. For how long? 45m)

Program description: Sit down with artist Karen Ann Hollingsworth for an analog sketchbook(s) tour. Not found anywhere on the internet! Glimpse into one artist’s dedication to her craft, decades of making from school days to the present. Limited seating, sign up at info desk to guarantee a spot, or stop in and see if there’s room.

6:30-7ish( check program for exact time)- Artist Show Down ( Where? probably where it usually is. For how long? Until we finish and the Art Auction starts)

8PM-Art Auction -(check program for exact time) Where? probably where it usually is same room as the Artists Showdown. For how long? Until all the art in the auction is sold


12PM -I may be found in the Art Show helping out before the show closes at 2PM.

As well as preparing to guide you through some fun art making . I’m currently working on my entry for Capricon’s yearly artist challenge. I best get back to it. See you in a month:)

New “Wren”der-king:)

Just of the drawing board in a staring role, in full color the “King of Birds” my little wren.

Some may be wondering how a tiny common house wren can be called the “King of Birds”?
Click the link below, it will take you to wikipedia for a brief history of Wren Day.

Some of you may already know why my website is called For those who don’t. Here’s a brief backstory…’Wren’ is a nickname a friend gave me way back in high school and it stuck. ( Thanks ,Noel) Another friend suggest when if I ever started a website I should call it, “wrenditions” ( Thanks, Glen) and here we are….with a little help from my friends.

Hence I have rendered many house wrens in my life. ( and will do many more have no doubt) So far they have mostly been in supporting roles. For first time you’ll be able to purchase a full color house wren ‘Wren’..rendering:)

If you’d like own a reproduction in time for Wren Day , stop by the Starline Factory in Harvard, IL. For their first Holiday Faire. As I mentioned in my pervious post I’ll be a guest of the lovely Kathie Collinson in her studio. (room #203G) Scroll down for more information and links.

Hope to see you there!

New Holiday Art Faire

For all that didn’t start their Holiday shopping till this last week. I’m pleased to announce I’ll be participating in the first ever Holiday Art Faire and Open House at the Starline Factory in Harvard, IL. on the 15th of December.

Click image for more details.

I have to thank Kathie Collinson of Collinson Fine Art for graciously inviting me to be her guest in her studio for this event. Below is a sample of her work and a link to her FaceBook page.

Click on image to go to her FB page

Below is a sample of some of my latest work if you missed seeing it at my summer or fall shows.

original work was painted with acrylic on lavender cotton fabric for an illustrated denim jacket. pictured below.
“Carpe Denim” has been SOLD.
If interested in an illustrated jacket of your own, feel free to contact me.
original media:
Watercolor, Colored pencil and Pearl Gold Gouache
A new product handmade by me, this year are my Brooch and Necklace sets.
Only 11 left each is unique …..while supplies last.

Last chance of the year to purchase some of my art prints or other merchandise directly from me. ..Look forward to seeing you there. Even if it’s just to say “Hello”:)

Falling Fast

My how time flies. Before much more passes by it’s time for a quick up date. I will be showing and selling my work at the following venues next weekend.

First is Windycon ( sic-fi convention) that runs from November 15-17 in Lombard, IL. My work will be on display and prints for sale in the art show on Friday and Saturday.

Click on image for more information

Sunday , November 17th from 10AM-4PM in Spring Grove, IL. I will be showing and selling my work at Affair of the Arts.

Click on image for more information

Are You Ready for the Summer?

If you are not ready for summer…Sorry, too late….. it’s already here:) If you are around my vintage you probably have a certain song from a particular summer camp movie playing in your head when someone asks, “are you ready for the summer?”

Lets hope this one is a lot cooler than last year. Especially come the 3rd and 4th of August. Where I will be once again braving the elements to show and sell my work at Art & Soul in Elgin,IL.

Click on the image for more info

Below are two of my latest works that will be available for the first time this summer.

This is the original color version of this image.
…and this is what happens when I play around with the color in Photoshop.

Stop by and tell me which one is your favorite.

Well that’s all for…now:) Stay cool!

Springing Forward

I have lots of news to report so make sure you scroll down to the bottom for the latest news.

The snow has finally melted and Capricon39 was almost a month ago. As always it was lots of fun. I’m proud to announce I won the Artist Challenge. Thank you to all to voted for my work.

This is a photo of my award..and a few of the locals who felt it need to be inspected.

Thanks to all the lovely folks that attended my Intuitive Watercolor Workshop and the lovely ladies that made up the ” Strange Beast by Committee “panel. Below is what the committee created.

Next Up is Spectrum Fantasy Art Live!6/ Planet Comicon in Kansas City, Mo. It’s is coming up fast. The fun starts on the 29th of March!

My Booth is #1412

I have some new products ( picture below) the qualities are very limited. I only made 2 of each! I don’t know if I’ll make more? So stop by early or they may be gone. As always I will have printed and matted reproductions of my work available in a variety of sizes.

Click on the images below to link to all the official convention info

click on image to go to official website
click on image to go to official website

If you miss me at SFAL6/PCC you’ll have to wait till August. I can now officially announce I’ll be showing and selling my work again at Art &Soul taking place on August 3rd & 4th in Elgin,IL.

click on image or more info

Happy New Year!

Get ready for a quick news dump……

This Weekend!

Click on image for more info

My work will be in the Art Show. Be certain to see what I’ve cooked up for my entry in the Artist Challenge this year. I’d give you a sneak peek but I prefer to wait for the show for the big reveal along side the other artists fantastic entries. Always fun to see what different artist conjure up given the same ingredients. I will give you a sneak peek at the long awaited companion pieces to my Green Tea Dragon.

Green Tea Dragon
Coffee Dragon
Hot Cocoa Dragon

I will have the artist proofs on sale in the Art Show’s silent auction. As they say bid early bid often:) If you don’t care for bidding I’ll have penalty other things to choose from in the printshop.

I’ll also be in 2 panels on Friday.

1PM: Strange Beasts by Committee. Here is the official description.”An adult version of the kids’ game. Silliness abounds when a group of people create monsters together. In this fast paced drawing activity, groups of two to four people create monsters by drawing one part of a creature, and then passing their papers to the next member of the team to draw the next part. Artistic talent not required!

4pm: Intuitive Watercolor Workshop. Back by popular demand my hands on workshop. I’ll teach you my way of working with watercolor and colored pencils. It’s fun for the whole family. All skill levels and ages are welcome. If you have your own supplies feel free to bring them. the minimum you’ll need is set of pan watercolors any size and preferably Prismacolor (premier) colored pencils. Or any non water soluble colored pencil. Here’s an expanded supply list:

Saturday:  I’ll participating in the Artists Showdown, all are welcome to play it’s lots of fun and the Art Auction that follows. For more details on those go to the Art Show page on the Capricon39 website link is above.

WHAT’S NEXT? If you miss me at Capricon or you can’t make it , at the end of March I will have a booth in the Spectrum Live Pavilion at Planet Comicon in Kansas City. Follow the links below for more details.

Click on for more info
click on image for more info

Happy Halloween!

We all know what that means…time to start shopping for gifts for the winter holidays. As luck would have it I’ll be showing and selling reproductions of my artwork in two shows this November that might help you start checking names off your list.

To give a glimpse at some of my new work that I’m excited to share with you all. I’ve just completed two new owls. To go with my Screech Owl.

Great Horned Owl
Karen Ann Hollingsworth ©2018

Barn Owl

Of course there’s more than those two and I’ve got two more pieces I’m working on at the moment that I am aiming to have finished for before both shows. The first time anyone will see those will be at these events.

Even if you don’t buy, come and say “Hi”. I’m always happy to see old friends and make new ones.  The first event is….

WindyCon45 in Lombard IL. November 9-11, 2018.

Next is….

Affair of the Arts in Spring Grove , IL. the following Sunday, November 18, 2018. 10am-5pm

More Bumps in the road

For any of you who have tried to contact me at I am having some technical difficulties with that email address. If you wish to contact me via email before I get the problem resolved you can email me at my alternate business email I thank you for your patience.

Currently I’m hard at work on updating for this website so you can see more of my work like this recent painting.


I am also preparing for the following two shows in November.

WindyCon45 in Lombard IL. November 9-11, 2018.

click on this image for more details

Affair of the Arts in Spring Grove , IL. the following Sunday, November 18, 2018. 10am-5pm/

click on this image for more details.